English: Michael Hendricks (right) and René Le...

English: Michael Hendricks (right) and René Leboeuf, photo showing both their faces. Taken at their wedding (the first same-sex marriage in Quebec), 1 April 2004. Photo by Montrealais. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So I thought that I would write my views on same sex marriage, and how religion and politics have had a large impact on how people view marriage.  Some people view same sex marriage’s as an atrocity as are disgusted by them, while others are vocal of their support. And lastly there are the ones that it does not matter to.

On the side of the people that think same sex marriage is an atrocity. People want to try to keep the traditional marriage alive. So what even is a traditional marriage? Well at one point all marriages were arranged, and had a gain for the males involved. Also marriages were arranged for girls as young as 13, who were then married off to much older guys. Back then the woman was also at one point considered property as well. Women were given a room or even a whole house in some cultures just so that she would have a place to go where her husband could never go into.

So, how has marriage changed over the years? While, firstly before religion was never involved. Then back in the early Christian era the Bishop then decided to make it mandatory for them to get permission of the bishop to marry. However then by the 17th century the governments at the time started recording marriages, and then started their long time involvement in marriages.

How back to the original beef, why should governments and religion keep out of the business or marriages? While, marriage is defined as the union of one person to another, it has changed dramatically since before recorded time.  We now are in the 21st century and most places have legalized the union of individuals that are of the same sex.

What I’m trying to say is that the definition of marriage has changed dramatically since it was first recorded.  So who are we to say that, this is not a step in evolution of the union that people share as marriage. Even if that union is of people of the same sex.  I believe that we as people need to evolve and that our views on marriage need to change as well.  Changing our views on marriage will have some very positive effects on the marriage statistics and help to reduce the divorce rate that is staggering.  I’m not sure too many people could say that they will be with the person they are with right now forever.  Back 100 years ago, African American individuals were considered property and dominated into slavery, but as time went on, bigotry became less and less of an issue and slavery was ended. Peoples views on marriage can change, people have shown that we as a society can change and we need to change. There has been shots fired on both sides of this issue, however there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding, and misinformation published.

My view is that if you love someone regardless of their sexual orientation that government or religion should not have the power to say that you cannot marry them in a symbol to their love for each other.  Here are some questions to keep in mind.

If you were to embrace the traditional marriage as it was 100 to 200 years ago, would you be willing as a parent to marry off your children starting as young as 13?

Would you be willing to invoke the death penalty as the penalty for a same sex marriage?

Do you think that government; religion and businesses should have as much influence on marriage as they currently do?

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